Updates for 2004
past changes and additions
October 31, 2004 - - - as promised, the evening star rises once more. Welcome back, Angel Descended! *^^* AD turned two years old during its hiatus, a thought which makes me want to cry ^^; And as promised, things are looking up up up!
We have a new icon and two new WinAmp skins for download, links have been re-sorted, site information updated, Arwen information given a new layout. There is more coming, however -- True Stars is getting a makeover, the music section is to be updated, and lots more junk and things. Sounds, movies, and the gallery are still down, I'm currently looking for a host for them.
May 27, 2004 - - - yet again, I apologize for the horrendous wait. The gallery is back online! We also have the links updated, and we've won a new award. Now that webhost problems have been resolved, expect more updates ^^
April 16, 2004 - - - so much for that, eh? My dear host RSF has once again run into trouble, due to selfish people, so there's little I could do about it, chickies, and you'd better believe me when I say that this month has been phenomenally hard on me. La, la la. Anyway, we have two new awards and a family essay information. Also, take note -- due to circumstances not within my control, the sounds, images and music are down until further notice.
March 14, 2004 - - - not much of an update as I'm having awful computer trouble; I apologize. Two new affiliates, awards page online. I'll compensate for this lack of content next update, I promise.
March 1, 2004 - - - what a day today's going to be! Oscar day rises like Arien's lamp into the skies (yes, I do realise it's still the 29th for you guys in the Western Hemisphere!) and I don't know about you, but I'm really nervous! Eeee! Fingers crossed, girls, boys, elves and orcs. Let's hope this one is our big one, eh? It's the last chance we've got!
On with the updates! New members in True Stars, some gorgeous new poetry and writing in the fanworks section, Vespertine added to the misc. page (can you believe I forgot?) and some minor font tweakings here and there. Also, Angel Descended was selected as Twenty-Seventh's Site of the Month for March! *^^* I'm so happy! Thank you!
February 19, 2004 - - - Yessiree, that's a new splash layout you saw on your way in! Do you like it? I'm very proud of it, myself ^^ What else is new? Many new images, including RotK screenshots! Multimedia section's been updated with new sounds and lyrics, and a special something, too! Information page has also been made 800x600 friendly, and a new parent added to the parent's list over at Adopt-an-Arwen. And I have three new affiliates! *squees* Visit them, they're truly lovely!
January 21st, 2004 - - - yet another update under the month mark! Wow, maybe I'm turning over a new leaf this year. Anyway! New member in True Stars, 'Art' in the image section has been updated with three lovely paintings, submission information and fanart in Precious Things has been updated, links have been tweaked once again. And now for the big one. May I present to you all, Vespertine. It's strange, but beautiful. Enjoy.
January 5th, 2004 - - - I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! *^^* Just a small update for now, guys, as I'm working on a lot of the information section. A new parent and member for True Stars, bit of an update in the me section (oh, WOW), links been tweaked a bit and added to, and two new LJ icons. I've got some special presents in the works for you all, so hang tight!