Evenstar: an Arwen Undomiel fansite

2017 Updates

past changes and additions

31 December - - - And just in time to ring in the New Year, M-e.ORG's transfer is complete! All sites hosted here should be back up and functioning at 100%. Alassëa Vinyarië! Garo Idhrinn Eden Veren!

25 December - - - I have decided to transfer Middle-earth.ORG from its previous registrar to my NameCheap account, as I can no longer tolerate the previous registrar's shoddy service. Please be patient if Vespera (and anything else!) is down for a few days! Hopefully this will be quick and relatively painless.

6 March - - - a very belated happy New Year! Let's all hope we can survive 2017...some of the usual sitewise housekeeping has been performed.

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