Evenstar: an Arwen Undomiel fansite


beautiful pieces of congratulations

Awards that Evenstar (also known as Vespera and Angel Descended in the past) won, far back in the days of the Tolkien fandom being far more active than it is today -- before Tumblr and the worst parts of Web 2.0. My eternal thanks is given to all of the award sites that presented Evenstar with these lovely marks of achievement! ♥ What a wonderful time it was. Click the name of the awards site to visit an archive of it.

Elrenniel Awards

Rivendell Award - Webmistress' Choice

Starlit Seas Awards

Best Fansite Most Informative Laughter Award

Broken Dream Awards

The Mithrandir Award The Elven Award The Valar Award

A Elbereth Gilthoniel

Best Character Site Best Elven Site Penn's Choice The Grey Havens Award

Evenstar Awards

Best Character Site Visitor's Choice

Crescent Illusion Awards

Best General Site

The Imladris Awards

Best Appearance


Site of the Month for March 2004

Whispers of the Nimrodel

Amroth - best layout Nenya - best elven site


Best Character Site

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