isn't this a mystery?
I'm known as Kirryn, here on the dangerous and dark internet. My real name is a dark secret, like a yonder ship, a cut running between the eyes. I'm a modern elven maiden who truly belongs in Rivendell, spending hours in the library with a silver quill and a dreaming heart, but alas, the powers that be thought it would be funny to put me in Queensland, Australia, and watch my human body wither in the constant heat.
I spend my time dreaming, writing until my hands ache, dancing like nobody's watching, drinking sweet milky coffee, longing to live amongst the mountains, and singing like a tiny silly bird.
I'm in love. {With what, with who? The skies, the stars...an idea, an idle thought...possibilities...}
I ramble. My mind is never where it's supposed to be, but instead off dreaming of evening stars and grey ships and red sunsets, chasing wisps of wishes and hopes.
Send me a note...
...or drop by online diary.